PARTNERS IN 2023-2024

Bishopthorpe Infants Jan 2024 'Wondrous Winter Tales'
"I really liked the stories Jenna told, especially the one about the Snow Bear because the trolls were funny when they picked their noses."
"We think Jenna should come back and tell us more stories again, especially about Halloween, Christmas or fairies."
"Jenna made it very fun by asking children to help her tell the stories. Our friends played different characters and that helps us remember the stories better.
"I liked how she dressed up and sang songs. She brought the story to life. I definitely don't fancy living in a vinegar bottle!"
From my point of view, I would say that you introduced the children to new and unfamiliar stories in a fun and interactive way. You made the performance memorable by bringing the characters to life through clever use of props and costumes. It was lovely that all the children were actively engaged in telling the stories with you and some had the extra special role of becoming a character that shared the journey with you. What a treat for a dreary January morning! You captivated their imaginations and transported them to a new and wondrous place through your performance. Thank you so much!
Jenny Ingram
Assistant Head
York Press 13-6-21
YOUNGSTERS at a city primary school have been embracing their inner actor thanks to some hands-on drama workshops.
Park Grove Primary Academy, in the Groves, started their final half term of the year by inviting York-based drama group Mud Pie Arts in to school to develop a collaborative drama experience.
Deputy head Vicky Hearson, said: “Our focus on creativity is perhaps more important now more than ever because of the impact of the national lockdown.
“Remote home learning over the last two academic years as well as the restrictions imposed have taken away from the high-quality and enriching educational experiences we strive to provide for all our pupils, so we wanted to ensure we were giving some of those experiences back to them. We would like to thank the PTA for funding this wonderful opportunity.”
One half of Mud Pie Arts, Jenna Drury, facilitated the workshops for each class over the first few days of the new half term, focussing on either the Early Years and Key Stage One topic of ‘Wonders of the World’ or exploring Ancient Greek myths to link with the Olympics topic in Key Stage Two.
The drama workshops are all about getting stuck in, with the emphasis based on a ‘hands on’ approach to create an instantaneous style of theatre and play to inspire learning.
Shashka in Class 5 explored the tale of Theseus and the Minotaur, said: “It was fun because I learnt lots of different moves. It all felt very real and I actually felt like I was Theseus being chased by the minotaur in the maze. The story was really interesting and dramatic - it was a mixture of good and evil.”
Prisha, a member of Class 9, said: “It made me have so much fun! I really liked how we did drama and acting - my favourite part was when I spoke the lines for Pandora! It made me so excited about the topic.”
Class 7 teacher, Rosie Spencer, said: “The children absolutely loved taking part in the workshop and many are keen to try their hand at some more acting in future, proving it to be an inspirational and worthwhile experience!”
Head, Jo Sawyer, said: “The children have had a fantastic week where they have been encouraged to be as creative as possible. They have been challenged to step out of the classroom and into exciting and adventurous new places through the power of imagination’’
What a fantastic morning! We were transported back to 1666.
Thank you Mrs Pepys!
Year 2, The Minster School
'Thank you so very much for all the magical Storymakers sessions! Jeremy's imagination has really developed and I'm convinced that it's helped him along the way to enjoying a lifetime of wonder and fun with books and theatre'.
Jenny, Storymaker’s mum
From the moment they entered the Hall every single child was enthralled. Every child was active and attentive throughout the whole session. The way Jenna became a different character by merely adding a hat or a scarf enchanted the pupils. As a result the class performed some high quality role play and drama, and ended the session with a much greater understanding of a rather complex book. (Alice in Wonderland)
June Wilson, Thirsk Community Primary School
'Fantastic session, thought-provoking dealing with difficult subject matter in a considerate and understanding way. Conducted in a safe environment. Fully recommended!'
James Smith, Knavesmire Primary School
'Excellent workshop - every child engaged. Really made people think - very interesting for the teachers observing to see how different children reacted.'
Helen Mould, Acomb Primary School
'What an excellent production!! Perfectly pitched, propped and performed for our lively year two classes. Just the right quantities of watching and audience participation. Children and staff had a great time - Thanks!!
ps. we also loved how much the performance encouraged imagination, creativity and great language for future creative writing and drama.'
Clifton Green Primary School
Super - very good at keeping the children interested – also great introduction about ‘questioning’. Good science content
Martin Almond, St. Oswald’s Primary School
Absolutely fantastic! The children enjoyed every minute. There was a great balance of watching and doing to keep the children fully engaged. Thank you.
Catherine Johnson, English Martyrs Primary School
Year one and two children from Lakeside Primary School:
I liked doing the waggle dance.
Nick, age 7.
You are so funny!
Megan, age 6
I fort it was brillnt!
Isaac, age 7
I liked the bee dance and when we were doing jobs for the qeen bee.
Holly, age 7
Absolutely fantastic, the children (and the adults!) were completely fascinated – even the children who find listening tricky. I loved the interactive way you taught the children and I am sure we will ‘bee’ talking about bees for the next few weeks! Two of the children are already planning on bringing in crowns and acting it out! Thank you.
Kathryn Pullan, Lakeside Primary School
It was fabulous, the children were so excited and they were so eager to participate. A fantastic poem to explore through the arts and a great sensory experience for a boy with severe special needs. The children made maps and explored putting sieves in water afterwards. ‘It sinks! The water comes through the holes!’
Mrs White, Yearsley Grove Primary School
A great session which captured the children’s imaginations from the very start. It motivated even the quietest children and I’m sure they will remember it for a long time. One little boy was keen to take the map in case we were able to go there again.
J. Mckay, Yearsley Grove Primary School
PARK GROVE ACADEMY EGYPTOLOGY KS2 sessions: http://parkgrove.ebor.academy/egypt-expeditions/